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Ohio is facing a child care crisis.

The record-high cost of child care is making it impossible for parents to be employed or fully employed, and businesses are struggling with ongoing workforce challenges.


Strong, healthy kids are better prepared to do well in school and life. With access to high quality, reliable child care and services, parents are able to work and pursue their goals.

Women, particularly women of color and women in rural areas, are carrying the greatest burden of these costs. And young children statewide are not receiving essential care and developmental support that they need for a strong start in life.


Businesses and communities can grow thanks to a reliable, strong workforce—with this generation and the next.


Ultimately, investing in affordable, quality child care is an investment in the economic strength of the Ohio and Ohioans.

Ohio Kids First is laser focused on supporting policies, lawmakers and candidates who are committed to solving Ohio’s child care crisis that is negatively impacting children, families, and businesses. 

Tiny Feet

Ohio's child care crisis costs


each year in lost earnings, productivity and revenue.


When we INVEST in young children, we invest in quality of life and economic vitality for families.

and Ohio will thrive.

Babies in Playroom

What the science says:
80% brain development in the first five years


What policy research says:
Public investment in young children yields a 13% ROI


What the studies say:
Ohio is failing children, ranking among the last in the country for health, mental health, development, kindergarten readiness

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