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Mother and Baby on Floor

Make a Contribution Today.
Put Ohio Kids First.

Ready to help make young children and families a political priority in Ohio?


Your contribution makes a difference for young children and families. Ohio Kids First uses its resources strategically to build political power for children and push for policy changes that benefit families. Please support this important work today.


You can also send a check made payable to:

Ohio Kids First, Inc.

470 W Broad St.

Columbus, OH 43215

Contribute for Kids

As an OKF supporter, we will honor your commitment and generosity for children in our donor recognition levels:


Leader for Kids $5000 and above

Champion for Kids $1000-$4999

Contributor for Kids $500-$999

Supporter up to $499 

You + OKF: What we can accomplish together

As Ohio Kids First continues to build momentum and influence, it strives to increase accountability of elected officials to Ohio’s families and children. We are focused on the following three priorities, each of which will be greatly strengthened with the financial contributions of supporters.

1. Making kids a political priority in 2024

  • Launch voter awareness and engagement digital campaigns to increase urgency for supporting candidates that support young children and families; targeted in key districts for relationship building and to amplify calls to action

  • Acquire and activate supporters to engage in advocacy and electoral politics


2. Know where they stand in 2024

  • Holding Ohio candidates accountable through an early learning position survey and putting responses on the record

  • Recognition of candidates who are champions of children and families, lifting up those who lift up early childhood policies

  • Organizing allies and supporters to call for investment and action by policymakers


3. Exploring a statewide ballot initiative on child care

  • Supporting the coalition building and policy research efforts required to advance towards a statewide ballot initiative to address the child care crisis in Ohio

Ohio Kids First is a 501(c)4 organization. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to Ohio Kids First support mission-driven advocacy on behalf of young children to promote quality, early learning and healthy development investment to Ohio’s policy makers.

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